Online Unix timestamp or year month day time transfer

Current time
Current timestamp
Transfer timestamp
to time

The earliest version of Unix was a 32-bit integer, with 60. Hz increases. The first edition of Unix was released on November 3, 1971. Programmer’s Manual defines Unix time as “the time since 00:00:00, 1 January 1971, measured in sixtieths of a second” From 1 January 1971 to 00. :00: Start at 00 and increase at 60 Hz. [2] This means that the Unix time stored as a 32-bit unsigned integer will be exhausted after 829 days (about 2.5 years). Due to this limitation, the Unix time origin was redefined several times until January 1, 1970 00 was adopted. :00: 00UTC is the origin of time, timed at 1 Hz. Since Unix and C languages use 32-bit signed integers to represent time, this can accommodate a time span of about 136 years, half before and half after 1970. That is, by January 19, 2038 and December 13, 1901, the reset is exhausted. After that, this Unix The time definition was revised to take into account time zones, leap seconds, and other issues.